Flowers and Their Many Meanings


Over the centuries, flowers have not only decorated gardens and homes, but they have been used as means of communication. Their symbolism varies, with each flower having a particular characteristic, which we have connected with certain feelings. Flowers are an ideal gift for anyone, and there is a flower to represent just about any occasion. Of course, flowers have their connotation in different cultures.

The colors of flowers also speak for themselves according to culture. The colors of flowers have a vast range, bright and refreshing or dull and pale, each shade having its meaning and appeal.

Some flowers grow in specific regions, so they only have significance for a particular area. Some flowers are unique to Asian countries, while others only flourish in European temperatures.

For example, the lily is a flower that represents summer as it usually grows in the warmer months. It also represents serenity and gentle emotions, as this is what we typically feel during the summer.

If you want to make someone smile, then usually the sunflower is the best option, it has been readily available for many months, and its bright, pleasant color can make just about anybody grin.

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